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[NÃO USEM GIFS] PLANTÃO: Audiência - 23/06/2021 | 17h30 no horário de Brasília | Britney depõe


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A materia do et falando mais do sam q da audiencia kkkkkkkkk palhaçada
mas enfim

"She's confident that she will have done everything in her power to regain her autonomy," ET's source says. "She is doing this with complete support from [boyfriend] Sam Asghari. He has stood by her throughout. She's been looking forward to this day for a very long time."

"Britney feels she is under a constant microscope, and she's been painted in the worst light," adds the source. "She feels as if she was never as out of control as so many people described her. She wants to impress on the courts that no one should have to endure losing control of almost every aspect of their life."

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