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    • Ley

      Star magazine 03/06
      Diz que ela e o soliz estão cada vez mais juntos desde o incidente do hotel, que eles parecem estar numa situação "nós contra o mundo". Diz que ela não quer estar sozinha. Que ele é um ótimo cara e um bom pai, e que quer que ele seja o pai do filho que ela tanto quer e que vê ele como um futuro bom marido
      · 10 respostas
    • Mooon

      Vaza trecho de “Don’t U Pity Me, demo descartada (DELETADO)
      ainda n sei se é do blackout ou original doll
      · 10 respostas
    • Ley

      Vem rir @Dragon
      · 4 respostas

      Oi amigos.
      Voltei. A Britney envolvida em nova "confusão" com o namorado "gangster". Ouvi dizer que a mãe dela tá envolvida (como sempre). Eu suspeito que a Britney tenha transtorno boderline ou autismo. Ela sempre foi bem peculiar. Enquanto ela não resolver se mudar dos EUA a vida dela não mudará. Vai ser sempre visada. É claro que pra onde ela for, ela vai ser visada, mas talvez amenize se ela for para uma cidade pacata. Penso também que ela tenha esse costume de visitar os mesmos locais de sempre e/ou postar vídeos identicos pode ser algo relacionado ao autismo ou talvez apenas mania mesmo. É bem complicado dizer ao certo oq acontece estando de fora pq a gente NUNCA vai saber oq se passa em torno dela. Será um dos grandes mistérios do mundo da música igual como aconteceu com Michael Jackson.
      · 10 respostas

[MUTIRÃO] Maratona - Peçam ´Slumber Party' nas rádios americanas


Mensagens recomendadas

Deixo aqui um tópico com tweets prontos para pedirem Slumber Party nas rádios AMERICANAS..Resultado de imagem para britney slumber party

Pessoal vocês estão muito desanimados atualmente,cadê a garra que a gente tinha antigamente... tínhamos forças  para pedir até com PG.. não vamos fazer desfeita de Slumber Party.. Sei que para nós[brasileiros] as rádios nem é tão importante assim [nem ligamos direito] MAS para os americanos é muito FORTE..Scream And Shout cresceu horrores por causa das rádios.. 

Então deixo aqui este tópico com todos os tweets JÁ PRONTOS para serem enviados... Seria legal alguém aqui marcar algum adm do fórum para ele ver e FIXAR esse tópico e agendar dias e horários pro twitter do fórum ajudar,porque as rádios são importantes..... agora temos tópico e tudo para pedir SP nas rádios e da para fazer vários mutirões ao longo da semana e até aos sábados que tem o Request Live.. Estamos entrando em Dezembro/Janeiro [ÉPOCA DE FÉRIAS..SEM AULAS... TUDO FICA MAIS CALMO] Então não tem desculpa para não ajudarem.. CERTO?? 


Existem 193719271921 rádios... é só ir alternando, não precisa mandar 100 tweets até bloquear para a mesma radio.. 



O maior intuito desse mutirão no final de semana é de conseguir fazer com que a música seja tocada, principalmente, no Saturday Night Online, que é uma das maiores rádios dos Estados Unidos. Se Slumber Party tocasse lá umas duas vezes durante a noite seria excelente para divulgar! Portanto no Sábado o foco total será para o programa, a partir das 19/20HRS!

Obs: Se eu não me engano a música é reproduzida em outras diversas rádios se for tocada no Saturday Night Online.

Sexta: 15hrs | 18hrs | 20hrs
Sábado: 16hrs | 18hrs | 20hrs - 22hrs 
Domingo: 15hrs | 18hrs | 20hrs



  Hello @Channel955 I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe "Slumber Party" Thank you!

"Hello @Q1047 I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @TinasheI  "Slumber Party" Thank you!

"Hello @Power106LA I I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe "Slumber Party" Thank you!

  Hello @mega963fm I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe "Slumber Party" Thank you!

  Hello @1043MYfm I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe  "Slumber Party" Thank you!

 Hello @1027KIISFM I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe  "Slumber Party" Thank you!

 Hello @1043NOW I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe  "Slumber Party" Thank you!

  Hello @HOT975vegas I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe  "Slumber Party" Thank you!

  Hello @985KLUC I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe "Slumber Party" Thank you!

  Hello @Mix933 I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe  "Slumber Party" Thank you!

 Hello @Y100MIAMI I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe  "Slumber Party" Thank you!



Hello @WiLD955 I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe  "Slumber Party" Thank you!

Hello @933FLZ I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe  "Slumber Party" Thank you!

Hello @HOT1071 I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe  "Slumber Party" Thank you!

Hello @KISS107 I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe  "Slumber Party" Thank you!

Hello @1035KISSFM I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe  "Slumber Party" Thank you!

Hello @Mix1041 I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe  "Slumber Party" Thank you!

Hello @b97 I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe  "Slumber Party" Thank you!

Hello @Z100NewYork I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe  "Slumber Party" Thank you!

Hello @1035KTU I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe  "Slumber Party" Thank you!

Hello @HOT97 I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe  "Slumber Party" Thank you!

Hello @Q102Philly I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe  "Slumber Party" Thank you!

Hello @KISSFMPhoenix I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe  "Slumber Party" Thank you!

Hello @Z903 I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe  "Slumber Party" Thank you!

Hello @Channel933 I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe  "Slumber Party" Thank you!

Hello @Wild949 I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe  "Slumber Party" Thank you!

Hello @KISSFMSEATTLE I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe  "Slumber Party" Thank you!

Hello @1055triplem I would like to listen the new single from @britneyspears and @Tinashe  "Slumber Party" Thank you!


Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @941zbq
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @KISSFMPhoenix
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @hot975phoenix
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @mix969
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @KRQQ
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @1027KIISFM
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @ampradio
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @Now1005FM
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @Wild949
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @alice1059
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @MIX100Denver
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @kiss957
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @KC1013
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @MIX1051
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @xl1067
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @RadioNOW979
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @Q100Atlanta
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @1033kissfm
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @1035KISSFM
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @B96Radio
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @1019MIXChicago
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @HOT1079
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @KISS1075
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @Channel963
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @989RadioNow
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @b97
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @Z1043
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @Mix1065FM
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @Kiss108
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @Mix1041
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @Channel955
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @Fresh100Detroit
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @1013KDWB
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @Y98
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @mix941
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @1043now
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @wzid
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @z100newyork
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @975WABB
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @1013kgot
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @999KEZ
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @power1057
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @hot1071denver
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @kiss959
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @RadioNow1009
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @1037KISSFM
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @991wmyx
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @923NOWFM
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @fresh1027ny
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @1035KTU
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @Y94Official
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @mymix1079
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @979wnci
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @1027kj103
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @z100Portland
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @b101philly
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @Q102Philly
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @961kiss
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @StarPittsburgh
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @Hot981
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @92PROFM
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @RADIOROULA
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @mix961sa
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @Hot1009
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @hot995
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @mix10733
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @kissfmseattle
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @movin925
Please, play Slumber Party by Britney Spears & Tinashe @WVAQ


@Kiss108 Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
Kiss 108 (Boston, MA)


Star 94 (Atlanta, GA)
@941zbq Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
94.1 ZBQ (Uscaloosa, Alabama)

US Radio Stations:
@Star941Atlanta Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!

@975WABB Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
97.5 WABB (Pensacola, Biloxi)

@1013kgot Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
101.3 KGOT (Anchorage, Alaska)

@KISSFMPhoenix Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
104.7 KISS FM (Phoenix, Arizona)

@999KEZ Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
99.9 KEZ (Phoenix)

@KRQQ Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
93.7 KRQ (Tucson, AZ)

@mix969 Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
Mix 96.9 (Arizona)

@POWER1057 Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
POWER 105.7 Fayetteville, AR)

@1027KIISFM Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
102.7 KIIS-FM (Los Angeles)

@Now1005FM Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
NOW 100.5 FM (Sacramento, CA)

@1079theend Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
107.9 The End (Sacramento, CA)

@alice1059 Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
Alice 105.9 (Denver, CO)

@Wild949 Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
WiLD 94.9 (Bay Area)

@MIX100Denver Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
Mix 100(Denver, CO)

@kiss957 Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
kiss957 (Hartford, Ct)

@kiss959 Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
Kiss 95.9 (Salisbury)

@1013kgot Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!!
101.3 KGOT (Anchorage, Alaska)

@KC1013 Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
CTs KC101.3FM (Connecticut)

@MIX1051 Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
MIX 105.1 (Orlando, FL)

@xl1067 Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
XL 1067 (Orlando, Florida)


Radio NOW 97.9(Jacksonville, Florida)
@RadioNOW979 Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!

@Q100Atlanta Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
Q100 Atlanta (Atlanta, GA)

@1033kissfm Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
103.3 KISS-FM (Boise, ID)

@B96Radio Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
B96 (Chicago)

@1019MIXChicago Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
1019 THE MIX CHICAGO (Chicago, IL)

@HOT1079 Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
HOT 1079 (Fort Wayne, IN)

@KISS1075 Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
KISS1075 (Des Moines, Lowa)

@Channel963 Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
Channel 96.3 (Wichita, KS)

@989RadioNow Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
989 Radio Now (Louisville, KY)

@Z1043 Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
Z104.3 (Baltimore, MD)

@b97 Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
B97 (New Orleans)

@1027KIISFM Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
102.7 KIIS-FM (Los Angeles)

@Z100NewYork Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
Z100 New York (New York, NY)

@Kiss108 Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
Kiss 108 (Boston, MA)

@Mix1041 Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
Mix 104.1(Boston)

@Channel955 Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!
Channel 955 (Detroit, MI)

@iheartradio Hey, I wanna hear "Slumber Party" by @BritneySpears & @Tinashe Thank You!





Slumber Party Music Video: 26,196,089 views




PS: esse tópico foi criado com a ajuda de vários tpcs já feitos de mutirões [Scream and Shout,Work Bitch,Pretty Girls,make me.] Apenas modifiquei:dino:

Obgd a todos.... 



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3 minutos atrás, Geovanni disse:

Não estou conseguindo acessar esses links do mediabase

Mana eu peguei do britney tirei.. to indo pro curso agora.. quando chegar eu arrumo se ninguem tiver feito ainda.. hehe  vai pedindo pelo twitter por enquanto.. LiUMWYh.gif

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