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Fã relata como combateu uma hater no trabalho!

Leonardo M.

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A fã conta, que em uma festa, encontrou uma colega de trabalho... e começaram a conversar normalmente e tal, até que ela se referiu ao órgão genital dela como "britney".

E isso claro, deixou a fã com raiva e sem entender... então ela relata que no dia seguinte no trabalho, a questionou sobre isso... e ela disse que chama o orgão dela de britney, porque "odeia" a britney.

Então a fã naturalmente, perguntou o porque de tanto ódio e tal... E a mulher disse que acha que a britney é tudo de errado para a industria musical, que ela abusa demais da sexualidade para vender e fazer dinheiro e isso ridiculariza a mulher.

Ok, a fã achou melhor não debater, porque cada um tem sua opinião, mas não conseguiu conectar o fato da mulher achar isso, com chamar de britney o orgão genital dela... Então ela perguntou a mulher o porque... E a mulher respondeu que é porque o orgão genital é "careca" :orangu:

Então, depois na hora do jantar... ela disse que sempre tem ursinhos açucarados de goma... que ela come um pouco e a mantem acordada... mas se você come muito, te causa diarreia. Ela disse que ofereceu para tal mulher, dizendo que se ela comesse todos, se sentiria melhor, ficaria acordada, mais disposta e etc... Então ela deixou varias na mesa pra mulher comer... A mulher comeu todas....


Ela relata que algumas horas depois... um colega de trabalho dela foi avisa-la que viu a mulher (hater) chorando na escada por ter ficado com diarreia. :orangu:

Relato em inglês

So last week I was at a party and there was some girl there who I work with, whilst having a random conversation she referred to her pussy as 'Britney'.

Anyway, I saw her today in work and I asked her why she was referring to it as 'Britney', she said "Oh, it's because I hate Britney Spears", so naturally I asked her why... she said "Well I just think she's everything that's wrong with the music industry, she overtly sexualizes everything she does just to sell records and make money, and it's demeaning to women.", I wasn't going to argue with that, because that's a just a matter of opinion (however I did tell her it was shallow to judge someone like that), what I didn't understand is how that was relevant to her pussy, so I asked her and she said "It's because I'm shaven", I kinda just giggled so it wouldn't be awkward, but in my head I was like "It's funny, It's funny... ah no sorry, it isn't, you just overstepped a line you fucking bitch".

Anyway, skip forward 2 hours and we're in the staff room on our dinner, I have these Sugar free gummy bears that are lethal if you have too many (they're really nice though) I use them to increase my metabolism. So I went into revenge mode and offered her some, I left them on the table and told her to just help herself, and help herself she did, she had loads of them. I was trying not to laugh at what was soon going to happen to her, in case you don't know, this review of the gummy bears might give you an insight...

Hours later one of my mates in work came up to me and couldn't stop laughing because that girl 'Alex' had been crying downstairs after being in the toilet with Diarrhea,

she got sent home because of it. I mean I'd say that I felt bad for letting her eat that many, but I don't. Karma's a bitch, don't fucking diss the Queen, and bad shitwon't happen to you.

E vocês... já passaram por alguma situação assim? seriam capazes de tal feito, ou já fizeram algo parecido? :queenie:

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kkkkkkk não entendi nada tulla21.gif o que foi isso dos ursinhos açucarados?

a traducao ta errada, sao gummy bears (aqueles ursinhos de gelatinha) SEM ACUCAR (sugar free gummy bears), provavelmente esses sao pra gente que tem problemas com diabete e devem ter menos colorias tbm, ai ja serve pra quem ta de dieta :b:


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